A review by itsabookthing2021
A Lesson in Love and Death by W.H. Lockwood


A lesson in love and death, starts with Anna starting Endymion College with her new room mate Candi. On the first night being in there new apartment room Anna sees the ghost boy. The events that follow changes the book completely.

I really enjoyed reading A Lesson in Love and Death. I found the book somewhat messed up and downright freaky. The events had me compelled and before I knew it the chapters had rolled into one and... "the end"!

Anna our main character was a book nerd coming to Endymion to study the literatures, but as the novel progress I suspected (and it implied) there was more to her - though what, was never touched upon. I did like her character, she was head strong.
Candi/Candide and Evelyn were a weird pair. The former being the room mate and the latter being the teacher. Throughout the novel, I kept thinking there's more to them than meets the eye. We even get a little explanation about them but for some reason this doesn't sit right with me. I can't help but think there is more. Maybe there is, maybe it's in book 2.
Candi's character albeit a bit strange, was a great best friend to Anna, their contrasting characteristics played well against each other. Evelyn somewhat annoyed me when it came to Anna, I agreed with his reasoning the first time but then after his backwards and forwards, it started getting annoying. He was yoyoing more than a yo yo itself which I found made him less appealing.
The ghost boy at first was creepy but that demon over took my thoughts with a what the hell is happening, who the hell are you vibe. I seriously didn't have a clue who it was but nonetheless it compelled me to keep reading.

As I said I really enjoyed reading Lessons in Love and Death, the story premise was fantastic and it was executed really well. The description and world building was greatly done and it felt like the story took you in and kept you there. I do have more questions than answers though, like who was the ghost boy and why do the characters forget about his existence every now and then? I'm hoping I get a lot of answers in book 2.

I really can't wait to read book 2 as I need to see what happens next.