A review by meliaraastair
James Potter and the Morrigan Web by G. Norman Lippert


Hogwarts gets a new headmaster who has found a way to provide Mr. Filch even greater capabilities of discipline than before. The new headmaster also begins instituting many new and increasingly restrictive rules in the name of security – to the point that students must have all of their incoming and outgoing mail read and approved by a professor and groups of more than three (3) students are not allowed to meet since they may be discussing subversive plots.

I liked this book more than the previous one, The Vault of Destinies. The ending in this book feels more wrapped up, though to be fair there is still quite a bit that needs to be finished. However, it reminds me more of the Harry Potter books in that the mysteries introduced in this book are mostly wrapped up in this book. The great nemesis (Voldemort originally, now Judith) is still on the loose, but overall things work out pretty well in the end. There is even an explosion of flower petals and fragrance! Also, there are some characters from the original Harry Potter series that make an appearance due to the door-to-the-next-world (after you die) being – apparently – sort of a two-way street. Very interesting.

I would rate this one an 8 out of 10 for enjoyment, but a 2 out of 5 for readability.


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