A review by maggiebook
The Andromeda Evolution by Michael Crichton, Daniel H. Wilson


As a fan of both Crichton and Wilson I had high expectations for this book. So I am happy to say Andromeda Evolution did not disappoint. This book delivers all that Crichton did so well: science to back the fiction with pages of footnotes to support it, believable scenarios and a story that is hard to put down.
Story - Wilson uses the first book as an intrical part of the story very cleverly and pays homage to Crichton beautifully without pulling the reader from the world. The story has a very good pace with a ending that is so exciting, if you are like me, you will find yourself reading so fast that you must force yourself to slow down to fully enjoy it.
Characters - If you have read any of Daniel H Wilson previous books you will know one of his strengths is developing very diverse human characters. He brings this talent to Andromeda Evolution and, unlike many science fiction books, develops the characters throughout the story without slowing the narrative down.
It was a 5-star read for me. Highly recommend.