A review by balletbookworm
The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2011 by Mary Roach, Tim Folger


A good collection, many good pieces here that need to be read by a wider audience: Bhattacharjee's "The Organ Dealer" about the illegal kidney trade
Bilger's gag-inducing (at the very end) "Nature's Spoils"
Dittrich's "The Brain That Changed Everything" which brings a very personal sense of history to the story of a man with brain damage resulting from a surgically-absent hippocampus
Freedman's "Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science" which highlights how reported medical research oftentimes is later proven incorrect or inconclusive
Gawande's haunting "Letting Go" about the disconnect in the medical establishment regarding end-of-life care
Mooallem's occasionally funny, occasionally stern "The Love That Dare Not Squawk It's Name" about the long-term mating habits of the Laysan albatross and the ridiculous levels humans go to to apply animal behavior as justification for human behavior
Sack's "Face-Blind" about the neural basis and social complications of face-blindness or prosopagnosia
Zimmerman's elegy "The Killer in the Pool"