A review by theyarnling
The Compeer by Jamie Applegate Hunter



The Compeer by Jamie Applegate Hunter

Kindle Unlimited 

Overall 4.5 

Spice 4 


·    Addicting 

·    Fantasy (post-apocalyptic?) world 

·        Language is modern and references to the “old world”  

·    Low Fantasy 

·    Reminiscent of the Wheel of Time 

·    Fated Mates 

·    Young YA Vibes Heroine  

·        Writing Style = Contemporary

·    Content = Fantasy

·    Action and Plot-centric 

·    Look Forward to Book 2 

·    Refreshing 

·    Critical Roll Vibes 

·    Chosen One 

·        Fast-Paced 

Book 1 of series 


I stumbled upon Jamie Applegate Hunter on Tik -Tok and HAD to read the book this gem of a human wrote and I was pleasantly surprised. Reader be aware that this is a low fantasy post-apocalyptic magic world so there’s lots of “contemporary adjacent” language so if you don’t like your knights saying things phrases like “such a badass” then you’ll need to pass but this was MY JAM!