A review by cozydormouse
A Beautiful Blue Death by Charles Finch


I suppose that "classic Victorian mystery" can mean "give me lots of exposition instead of dialogue and interaction." This was a good book, but not quite up to the standards of those books it seeks to emulate; Sayers is the most immediate comparison. For example: in Sayers's books, we learn about the Bunter/Wimsey history and relationship through their interactions in many, many books, and I feel like we never get the entire story there. In this book, the Graham/Lenox relationship is practically dumped in our laps through a lot of tedious explanation and awkwardly inserted backstory.

I actually did like the book, and I'll likely read the rest of the series. It's not a "to buy" series for me, nor even a "request immediately from the library" priority. I'll read them as I happen upon them.