A review by artytytyty
A Strange Loop by Michael R. Jackson


Imagine Rent, but unashamedly black and truly authentic to its message. A Strange Loop, although it's about the specific experience of a fat gay Black man who is an aspiring Broadway composer, has so many points that one can relate to. I am not a gay Black man, and hence cannot speak of that side of the experience, but being able to find small things to relate to, like Usher's struggle of trying to stay true to his own artistic authenticity while trying to please his family who has paid for him to be in New York is a big point of empathy for me. Add in the layers upon layers of racism, homophobia, self-deprecation, and ultimate abstraction, and you still can't quite get A Strange Loop, because it os honestly much more than that and I still can't quite wrap my head around it. BUT DEFINITELY READ/LISTEN!!