A review by softstarrynights
Four Russian Short Stories by Nina Berberova, Galina Kuznetsova, Bryan Karetnyk, Yury Felsen, Gaito Gazdanov, Gazdanov & Others


Four Russian Short Stories, includes stories from four exiled Russian authors, and is the twenty-first book in Penguin's Little Modern series. It's a short little thing at only 50 odd pages, and makes for a quick read. This was a bit of a disappointing read for me, and I think I went into this with too high expectations. Out of the four stories, two I didn't like at all, one was alright, and one I really liked. I just haven't decided if four disappointing stories are worth one really good one. I'd like to read more from that author, but in all hasty I don't think I'm a sort story sort of person. 

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