A review by kaeldra
Betrayals by Kelley Armstrong


Read June 15, 2020 - June 17, 2020. My heart. I am not okay. Excuse me while I cry over these dumb characters for a thousand years.

Okay, first things first, Ricky is precious and must be protected at all costs. He better get a damn happy ending in the next book or my heart will be permanently broken. I'm still very much rooting for a poly ending but I know the chances are in the negatives OTL
It's so... fulfilling to see how Gabriel has grown though? He is SUCH a different person than when he first met Olivia... but still the same person, you know? He's gotten so much more comfortable being a human (ish, considering he's part fae) and the way he readily accepts physical contact now and will even initiate it is !!!! Like, I don't know about anyone else but personally the hugs and little touches are way more exciting to me than anything more explicit. Just, my heart. I am deceased.

ALSO! How Ricky handled that last bit there made me so sad :((( He's too cute :((( At first I was so confused like??? where the hell is this coming from, I thought he was better than this?? And turns out he was just being typical Ricky and sabotaging himself for others' gain. I cry. At first I couldn't really see Ricky and Gabriel together as more than friends but now I'm sort of starting to like them together too

One thing I did really like about this one, and really this series in general, is how there is a fairly large romantic subplot, but it doesn't make up 100% of the story. There's still lots of other stuff going on, even if it admittedly isn't as exciting now. At least, imo. I was very invested in the whole murders thing, and I'm kinda sad that's solved already. Also, where was Todd!!! I want to see more of him in the next book.

Anyway, time to read the last book and ruin my life. School assignments who? I only know Cainsville. Pls just let them all be happy :(( Onward to Rituals! ;v;