A review by avalydia
Playing it Safe by Amy Andrews


This started out interesting, but quickly turned into lots of sex (or "sexy times" as the characters kept calling it) with little to no plot or character development. Beckett in particular was very two-dimensional - I couldn't tell you anything about him as a person other than he's flirty and had a bad boyfriend once.

Rugby was barely a factor in this book; you could have swapped it out for any other sport and it wouldn't have made a difference. I don't need the sport to be the main focus of a sport romance - quite the opposite, in fact - but ideally, at least for me, it should be more visible than just some set dressing in the background.

Also, the word "heady" was used way too many times. Could definitely have used some editing there (especially the part where one character actually says it in a sentence, like I've never heard anyone say "heady" before in my life lol).