A review by romantasylife
A Whisper in the Dark by K.J. Sutton, Jessi Elliott


I’ve been in a vampire mood lately. I just reread a four-book series about vampires and had such a great time. When I saw this book, I knew I had to jump on it immediately.

Unfortunately, I’m most likely not going to pick up the other two books in this trilogy. This novella is only 93 pages. Not enough, in my opinion, to start a new world to a new trilogy.

I feel like this world was not really described. The characters are boring and flat. I don’t know what’s going on besides Charlie is not wanted by her royal vampire family.

I’m assuming the other two books are going to be longer than this one. It seems like it’s going to be free on Kindle Unlimited just to get people to buy the other two books full-price. I will not do that.

I’m almost tempted to not pick up the Fortuna Sworn books by K.J. Sutton… I don’t know. We shall see!

2/5 stars