A review by titanic
The Night Stalker by Philip Carlo


"Richard Ramirez, aka the Night Stalker, reads his fan mail, enjoys all the photographs of naked women sent to him, and dreams about being free so he can do all the grisly, ghastly things he did to get put on death row in the first place."

This is a heavy, informational book that took me a while to read. In the beginning, I would switch between reading the paperback and listening to the audiobook, but I would struggle with keeping the information in my head. I soon found I enjoyed the book more when I read along with the audiobook, there was just something about this book that wouldn't make the information stick when I was just reading it.

That being said, this is a very good book for people who want to know more about the Night Stalker, it goes into detail about Richard Ramirez, his crimes, the trial, his wedding a lot more than I thought it would. I enjoyed everything about this book, it was honestly so informative, I couldn't fault it. There was a great amount of effort that went into this book, you could just hear all the research and effort it took. I really did love it.

The book was updated on the tenth anniversary of the publishing of the book, where it gives an interview between Ramirez and the author, but it is out of date as Ramirez is now dead, having died from B-cell lymphoma in 2013, that being said, I don't expect a book to update just because the subject died. My copy is from 1996 I believe, so Ramirez lived another 17 years after the book got republished with the update.