A review by jscarpa14
Powerless by Tera Lynn Childs, Tracy Deebs


It CAN NOT END LIKE THAT!!!!! I need the sequel YESTERDAY!

Okay, I think I might have the meltdown out of my system enough to talk about the book... maybe. This book was OUTSTANDING! The pacing and flow is so continuous and quick that it's seems like you've finished the book only seconds after opening it. There are no slow parts where you're thinking something needs to happen already. Every page is a new mind blowing occurrence, a new action and new discovery. Some things I will admit was a little predictable. I've got a good idea of what really happened when Kenna was four though it hasn't been confirmed yet, I'd guessed about the serum in the first couple chapters, and within the first chapter I knew who the romantic leads were. But I think a little bit of predictability in a book is a good thing, it gives you a feeling of safety, something you can cling to. That is not to say that most of the book was predictable because there were a lot of surprises in this book that happened and I was just blown right away. The ending, the ending was OMG! I definitely didn't see it coming. And yeah I know that's entirely vague but I want to gush and fangirl without being the jerk that gives away the whole story. Because I want to fan girl I really wouldn't call this a review but an avid reader's rambles.

Kenna is the sort of heroine that you can get behind, she begins at a disadvantage but doesn't allow it to stop her from taking on any obstacle that stands in her way. She has her whole world view and security blanket yanked away from her and just pulls it together despite wanting to fall apart and forges a new path. She exceptionally smart and see all these different plans and possibilities and despite the fact that she's the one who should be hiding, she's a natural leader who seems to understand how to navigate any obstacle she has to face.

I'm afraid to say too much about this one because I'm likely to give away more than I should about the plot. One of the things I really loved is that it had just a touch of comic book feel without dancing too far into feeling like I'm reading a comic book without pictures. It is in my opinion just the right amount of superhero/villain pizzazz and an exceptional story. This book is a must read, can put down, page turner from beginning to end.