A review by carolpk
Echo Park by Michael Connelly

The Hook - “I’m working my way through you Bosch.”

The Line - ”“It was the little questions that always bothered him, filled the hollow inside with dread.”

The Sinker - Echo Park was truly my favorite of Harry Bosch Series
thus far. Its excellent plotting, cracker-jack writing, the attention to details, all made this just what you’d expect in a crime novel.

Bosch is working a 1993 cold case, the disappearance of twenty-two year old Marie Gesto. The case is over ten years old but it’s one of those that got under his skin, one he keeps coming back to and one he wants to solve, not only to bring closure to her family but for himself. When he gets a call from the DA that a murderer is willing to make a deal to lead police to several bodies, including that of Gesto, Bosch is all in. Of course nothing is as easy as it seems and we’re off and running in this fast-paced, realistic thriller.

The recent Bosch TV Series covers elements of Echo Park but can’t come close to capturing the raw tension of the written work. There is a scene where Bosch interrogates the suspected serial killer, Raynard Waits that should be a classic scene in crime fiction. It is superior and equal to, if not better than Silence of the Lambs.

Bosch continues to interest me as a character. He is a complex man, often a loose canon, what his partner calls “the cowboy thing”, a man who appreciates art, jazz, a good book and can guzzle down a beer with the best of them. I always learn something new about Harry Bosch with each book in the series. In Echo Park I learned Harry’s a boxer shorts guy. This is my angst when it comes to the portrayal of Bosch in the TV series. Do you think Titus Welliver looks like a boxer kind of guy?