A review by kraskin
A Breath of Snow and Ashes by Diana Gabaldon

Did not finish book.
I thoroughly enjoyed a majority of the Outlander books. However, it is hard to ignore the multiple rape scenes that happen throughout the series. This book I reached my limit, and it was potentially the most graphic scene Gabaldon has included.
When Claire is kidnapped, held captive, attacked, and then raped by a group of men I was shocked by the amount of detail included. Potentially it isn't the amount of detail I was horrified by, but by the author choosing to have these actions occur to the main character who for thousands of pages we have rooted for. Additionally, the following rescue scenes by Jamie and crew were violent.
I am squeamish and decided I could not stomach the rest of the book. Maybe one day I will pick it back up. The bookmark still sits at the spot I stopped at.

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