A review by djla2009
The Lathe of Heaven by Ursula K. Le Guin

This one didn't wow me as much as much as The Left Hand of Darkness did. I feel like it would take a lot to wow me that much again. I've heard The Dispossessed is also really good so I'll read that at some point. I just picked this book because it was the only Ursula LeGuin book at a bookstore I was at.

I did like the ending. It was unique and I was kinda expecting a disappointing ending since the second half of the book felt drawn out. I think this would be enjoyable if I hadn't already seen lots of alternate reality sci fi before. This felt very much in the style of Philip K Dick but just not weird enough. It felt reminiscent of Man in the High Castle.

Not a bad book, just hard to follow after Left Hand.