A review by __kuriichan_
Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke by Eric LaRocca


2.5 ⭐

Well... This was a roller-coaster... Going downwards... To hell...

I'm not sure if I should have started my horror book journey with this one. And I don't mean it in a bad way. Hell, I don't even know if I mean it in a good way.

When I started reading it, I was wondering if something would finally happen. And it did... It just wasn't what I was expecting, at least partially.

This novella made me feel uneasy and quite frankly disgusted. Could it get much worse? For sure.

While reading it, my mind reminisced various scenes of different horror movies and anthologies I've watched which have made me feel the same level of uncomfortable.

Regarding the characters, this novella made me often wonder which of the two is more deranged compared to the other. Zoe is truly evil; not only because of the things she manipulated Agnes into doing, but also for leaving when shit hit the fan. And Agnes? Oh boy... I don't think I've had any character make me exclaim "wtf" this many times before, and do with that what you will.