A review by eesh25
Kiss of a Demon King by Kresley Cole


3.5 Stars

Male: Rhydstrom Woede (Rage Demon)
Female: Sabine, Sorceress of Illusions
Plot: She captures (ie kidnaps) him and tries to seduce him into doing what she wants. He's unhappy about this developement.

This book gets the award for having the most messed up relationship so far seen in the series. Sabine has the guy tied up against his will and sexually tortures him for days. It's all very disturbing. Thankfully, the author realizes that it's wrong and presents it that way.

She also tries to bring free will and equality back into the relationship. And that honestly works for the most part. Where it doesn't work is when Sabine refuses to feel any remorse for her actions and is kinda heartless. She's actually pissed at Rhydstron for a large part of the novel and that made me not like her much. I like my characters to have a conscience.

Another little issue with the book is Sabine's lack of investment in the relationship. She doesn't try much for it. And it annoys me a lot when that happens. I prefer for both the characters to care equally. Things are unbalanced otherwise.

Still, I appreciated Kresley Cole's effort to balance the scales, I thought the story was good and I really liked Rhydstrom and his relationship with Durinda, a character introduced later in the book. I would have liked it more, if only Sabine didn't bother me so much.

Reviews for other book in the series:
1. The Warlord Wants Forever
2. A Hunger Like No Other
3. No Rest for the Wicked
4. Wicked Deeds on a Winter's Night
5. Dark Needs at Night's Edge
6. Dark Desires After Dusk