A review by shoelessmama
Good Masters! Sweet Ladies!: Voices from a Medieval Village by Laura Amy Schlitz


I have read "Splendors and Glooms" and absolutely loved it so I certainly was not expecting what I got when I picked up this award-winning book. It took me a couple of monologues in before I got into the rhythm of it but once I did I fell in love with it. This book kinda made me wish I were a 5th grade teacher so that I could do a medieval unit with a group of kids. There are so many possibilities for discussion here. With the right teacher this book could make history come alive (how can kids today relate to these children from the 13th century? While the differences are many the similarities are there too). I loved the ways in which each point of view was interconnected with the rest while also being very individualistic. I think the very last monologue was my favorite- which made me so glad that she saved it for last.

Easily read in an afternoon.