A review by kreadtin
The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks Than Others Do in 12 Months by Brian P. Moran, Michael Lennington


Listened to the audio book. There were a few tidbits here and there that I probably would have liked to write down for later, but since it was audio, I didn't and I'm not too upset about that. The rest was very bro-coded with a capitalist mindset. This is fine and dandy (like what else is new?) and everything in here would be pretty easily achievable (as they've instructed) if you're a man. I'm not saying women couldn't do it too (we have always had to insert ourselves into the patriarchy and it's rules and structures), but I feel like it's not helpful for women and shouldn't be used as a guideline for us. And frankly, I'm tired of having to work on the patriarchy's schedule, system, and clock.

I also absolutely hated some of the examples used within the book. The diet ones being a big one. No, it really isn't that easy for some people to lose weight otherwise there wouldn't be a trillion dollar weight loss industry. And one example was literally someone describing something inherent to their personality being the thing interrupting their success at their job (because the job went against every fibre of their being) and the solution? Buckle down and force yourself to do it and he did and he's successful. But is he happy? (Doing something he literally said a minute ago he really really hated doing??) It was a lot of this sort of stuff, that really toxic grind it culture so you can eventually play golf all day like the other rich bros. I'm over it. 

I also think this 100% could have been a spiral-bound workbook. We did not need this as a novel.