A review by snazel
Rad van het Oneindige by Martha Wells

I think this was the first Martha Wells book I've read that I didn't utterly fall in love with. A significant element of that may be, let's be real, the fact that I've been over-reading lately and probably missed stuff. Like emotions or plot points. But it seemed much simpler than I tend to expect from Wells, in terms of number of characters and richness of world and like, bad guys. But at the same time I remember getting confused by character names. So no star rating, cause I'm not sure if I just missed characters, or they weren't as lushly drawn as I've come to expect.

Still a great set of characters, several of whom are quite old (one's literally been dead a few times (he's good at meditation, it didn't stick)), and interesting religion/worldbuilding/plot, and snark.