A review by vendea
Aftermath by Chuck Wendig


Hmmm. So.
To be fully transparent, I do rather pick up star wars novels expecting the last third or so to be ramblings about the EU and excerpts of other novels.
This book was not, and if I had known that, I'm not sure I would have finished it after about halfway through because I thought I was much closer to the end than I actually was.
I think there were too many interludes, too many loose threads, and to some extent I feel like it just rambled and I never really got into it. I genuinely despised Temmin, and Norra was ...okay but not great. Admittedly her pilot-y stuff was fantastic, but I just wasn't sold on their relationship.
Appreciation for my boy Wedge, but besides that I don't think this book had a ton of redeeming qualities. Very heavy-handed foreshadowing.