A review by ljrinaldi
About That Night by Laura Brown


I am a bit of a romance newbe, so I don't know all the troupes out there, but I believe one where people meet again, after a time, are called second chances, and that is what this story is about, a couple that meets up after a one night stand, and a baby have both occurred.

What I like about this one is it is written about the deaf community. The man is deaf, and the woman has been learning how to do American Sign Language (ASL) because she is both interested in it, as well as having a soon to be brother-in-law who is deaf.

The baby, Archie, is super cute, and super not sleeping, which sounds about right.

What I loved about it was how the deaf culture was worked into the story. My Uncle's parents were both deaf, and I had to learn a little bit of finger spelling to talk to them, though they were really good at lip reading too.

It is a good, quick romp, and the only complaint I have is the cover. The cover shows a brunette man, hugging a brunette woman. All very well and good, but the story is about a blond man. Also, there is no baby visible in cover, and the baby is the big part of what brings them together.

But, other than that, a good fun little romp.

Thanks to Netgalley and Entangled Publishing for making this book available for an honest review.