A review by chapteriosity
52 Reasons to Hate My Father by Jessica Brody


There are plenty of parts that I love in this book. Funny, awkward, touching and heartfelt moments that make me sympathize to Lexi. I know at the beginning she sounds like an ungrateful-spoiled-daughter who does nothing but drinking and partying and shopping. However she gradually starts to learn a lot of important life lessons as she goes through weeks of doing low-wages jobs which her super busy father had

I pretty much enjoyed the book, laughing at some funny scenes and tearing up a bit on heartfelt moments. But what I like the most is Lexi’s close relationship with her human best friends and canine best friend.

Holly is a Papillion dog she rescued some time ago and since then they have been growing closer and closer. The way Holly cares about Lexi is just cute and I can’t help but smile.

I myself like dogs and I also have a few at home. And Holly reminds me of them. Sometimes my dogs will wait for me in front of the bathroom door. Every time I get home (and every single member of my family), they will greet us enthusiastically and wag their tails so hard that it might hurt a bit when it slaps my leg. And I also believe dogs have a high sense of loyalty and understanding that even exceeds human occasionally. (I’m sure you all have heard about Hachiko, a Japanese dog that waited for his owner for more than 10 years)

In “52 Reasons to Hate Your Father”, we get to watch Lexi changes into a mature 18-year-old girl. The book may doesn’t focus on Lexi’s love life, but it centers around her relationship with her dad. And ends with an unexpected realizations. That love is not a mere business negotiation. That she has the potential to be a greater person. And more importantly, her dad isn’t as cruel as she always thought.

Here are a couple of quotes I love the most from the book:

“People can be so annoying sometimes. With all their stupid opinions and hidden agendas. But dogs? Dogs don’t have any agendas. They’re as honest and open and devoted as you can get. And that’s why they’ll always cheer you up. They’ll always love you. No matter how badly you screw up.”

“Because apart we might be different as night and day, black and white, right and wrong, but together we create two sides of a whole. Together we balance.”