A review by alyssaindira
Relentless by Karen Lynch


Hey guys, so I finished Relentless by Karen Lynch and it was better than I anticipated considering it was a free book I found on Google Play. It was so good in fact that I stayed up all night to finish it...Yep...probably gonna pay for that later on today... But I just couldnt stop, I couldnt. I had to keep going, to continue on with the story. Even when it was 3 am. Sleep is for losers, I needed answers. XD. Yeah, and plus I thought it was gonna be shorted than it actually was. Google play said it was just shy of 300pgs, but like every page got assigned the same number like three times, so I dunno if I double the assigned number of pages or what? Or maybe it just started feeling long at 3 am, the end was so close, but yet so far. And then boom, some big event happens in the book I must plow forward. Yep...Anyways, at first I thought i was like reading a sequel to a book, since it started in the middle of a scene and I was just so confused. I swear I had to read the book description several times to just make sure I was reading the first book in the series. It did take a little while to get into, I was intrigued at first, but confused, as the novel progressed, I got less confused and more anxious to see what would happen to the characters. Speaking of the characters, OMG i love them so much. Especially the guys, so many guys....si many possible ships....Nik....Roland....Peter...Samson....Chris....who to choose....Aw hell, who am I kidding? SaraXNIk for life. I loved their banter and the way they hated each other then slowly started to lessen their hate...all the while he swore to protect her until his last breath. *Sighs* so romantic....In regards to that, I suppose there was some trace elements of romance lingering within the novel, but most of the novel was comprised of action and suspense and thrill and page tunring adventure. Ones that made me not want to put the book down at 3 am....Anyways, you get the point. There was so much action and secrets revealed. Rapid fire, boom boom booom, one after another after another. And I am over here thinking "hasnt this character already gone through enough?! I aint even half way through and you ae putting her through the ringer!" *Facepalm* So yeah, this book kept me on the edge of my seat, or technically keeping my eyelids from shutting so I could remain immersed in the action. Okay, not sure what else I can say about this book without giving away spoilers....so imma just stop.. Totally want to read the second book, Refuge, but too bad it aint free....