A review by sleepysamreads
Teeth in the Mist by Dawn Kurtagich


You can find this review and others on my blog SleepySamReads!

Actual rating 2.5 stars

Kurtagich has become my favorite horror writers. I randomly picked up And the Trees Crept In by her earlier this year and loved it. The Dead House was also really good, so I had high expectations going into this. 

I was immediately pulled into this story. I love books that have characters from different time periods that are all connected in one way or another. I found Roan's time in the 1800's the most intriguing, though I did enjoy Hermione (1500's)  and Zoey's (present day) too. 

I don't normally like horror novels very much because they always seem to fall flat to me. Kurtagich makes her stories actually creepy, which I love. 

Unfortunately, I didn't entirely love this story. The ending felt incredibly disconnected from the rest of the story. I thoroughly loved it until around the 80% mark though. The story ended so abruptly and left me with so many questions. 

If the ending had been wrapped up better, I think this would have been a 4 or maybe even 5 star book. 

Another reason I'm giving it such a low rating is because I'm seriously tired of incest story lines. Like I guess it made sense in this case, but still. It's annoying how often it's been cropping up lately. 


The questions I am left with after finishing: Why did Dr. Maudley bring Roan, Seamus, and Emma to the mountain? Was he their half brother too? Why would Roan's father sign Roan over to him?? I can see why Roan would be immortal, but why would Len? If Roan didn't kill Fostos, why wasn't he still living in the house on the mountain in Zoey's time? Also, Len says she's been on the mountain for 5 years. Why? Did she get stuck there, or was she there for some purpose? You would think her mother would have warned her away from it.. Oh! What happened to Jenny? I swear she just disappeared. And not in the way Maudley and Seamus did. Literally she was there one page and then never mentioned again??

Maybe these will be answered in a sequel, though I don't think one has been officially announced. 

I will say I'm also a little uncomfortable with Zoey becoming a quadriplegic. I'm not even 100% sure how it happened... 

Ultimately, I didn't love this one. I did really love the tone and atmospheric quality of it. I also enjoyed the characters, but the ending just really disappointed me.