A review by beckymmoe
Something to Prove by Shannyn Schroeder


Reviewed on my blog, Becky on Books, on 12/31/18.

I really liked Colin here. I knew from reading book one (More Than This) that he was going to have to do some work to get me 100% on his side, and for the most part, he did. He's still a work in progress, but he's putting in his time and definitely isn't the same guy who left his family in the lurch several years ago. (Though we still don't have the whole story behind that drama, which makes the story feel a bit unfinished. I can't imagine where we'd get that information, if not in Colin's book, so... ?) Anyway, I enjoyed watching him make something of himself that he could be proud of and doing it while out of his family's shadow. The bar felt like the right choice for him, and I was quickly on his side and hoping he'd somehow be able to stay with the business.

Plus, I just love the O'Learys, full stop. He'd have to work harder at being a tool for me not to come around to his side when the rest of the O'Learys are with him. :)

Unfortunately, Elizabeth was a bit harder to love from start to finish. There were parts of her that were endearing--the "Libby parts", as Colin thought of them, especially her weird clumsy awkwardness--but when she was in stick-up-her-butt mode and nursing the years-old grudge against her brother? Not so much. Plus, her family is pretty much the polar opposite of the O'Learys. How did her brother not realize that she still resented the heck out of him for what he'd done when she was in college and didn't trust him even the tiniest little bit? They worked together, for pete's sake.

When Colin and Elizabeth were together, though, they both managed to bring out the best in each other. Colin helped Elizabeth to channel her inner Libby more, and Elizabeth made Colin stretch beyond the working-for-his-brother rut that he'd been in since his return and thinking about how to make their new business venture a success. That she ends up being the cause of their relationship black moment was more disappointing than surprising--fortunately, she managed to get both the stick and her head out of her butt in time to get to a feel-good HEA in the end.

Bring on Moira's story; I'm ready!

Rating: 4 stars / B+

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.