A review by rivermaxfield
Gideon the Cutpurse by Linda Buckley-Archer


Kate Dyer and Peter Schock are two teenagers living in modern England. Kate's father is a scientist working on a top secret antigravity machine. Kate and Peter go with Kate's father to the lab to see the project, when it is accidentally activated. The machine has an unexpected side effect: time travel. Kate and Peter are transported into the 18th century, where their machine is stolen by the Tar Man, an evil genius. They befriend Gideon Seymour, a thief and a gentleman, on their adventure to get their machine back.

This is the first book in a time travel trilogy. It is possibly my favorite book ever. The prose in itself is amazing; Linda Buckley-Archer has a captivating style of writing which made it impossible for me to put the book down until I finished it.

If that weren't enough, the story is amazing, as well. Time travel is so interesting in and of itself, and the great adventure in this book makes it even better. Kate and Peter's adventures get even better in the next books.

Finally, the science and the history. Surprisingly, this book is scientifically plausible! Many time travel books are off point, but this one is perfect. Also, the historical accuracy in the book is amazing. It perfectly portrays what life was really like in the 1700s.

Linda Buckley-Archer has succeeded in writing what I think is the best book I've ever read. I would totally recommend it to any lovers of science fiction, historical fiction, or adventure.