A review by chramies
Space Captain Smith by Toby Frost


First in the "Space Captain Smith" series but the third I've read (after books 2 and 5). In this one Smith is cooling his heels back at base when he is given a ship and a mission: go and collect a certain individual and bring her back before the Ghasts (an ant-like race of hivemind aliens) get to her.
Introducing the crew of the 'John Pym' including the Predator-like Suruk (already friends with Smith so we don't get so much of his past), Rhianna (who has a deeply-hidden secret not even she knows all about) and Polly - where we get into full "Blade Runner" territory. Frost is obviously fond of "Blade Runner" and a lot less so of "The Matrix" which gets a bit of a kicking here.