A review by tartbarbie
Otherkin by Nina Berry


Dez isn't the popular girl but when she is approached by a popular boy she’s excited till he touches her back brace and she freaks out. Since she was fourteen she’s had to wear a brace because of the curvature of her spine, forcing Dez to wear baggy clothes to hide it. After the boy at school feels her brace Dez is in a moon lashing out in anger at the brace which forces her to shift into a tiger but its short lived when she’s hit with a tranquilizer dart.

Dez wakes up in a silver cage in a building wrapped in a hospital gown with no idea how she got here. There is a handsome boy in the cage nearby who knows why they are in cages and when the chance comes to escape she takes him with her. After freeing Chase from the cage the pair head for her home so she can let her mom know that she’s ok. After all she went missing, so she’s sure she’s worried. Upon arriving home she plays it off as if it’s nothing but her freedom is short lived when they return for her and she’s forced to shift. Thankfully they all get away her parents head into hiding while Dez and Chase head for the school.

When Dez and Chase arrive at the school for shifters where they will be safe each is tested to see where their loyalties lie and after a brutal council they are allowed to stay out the year. However Chase doesn't plan on staying that long since he’s not a shifter but a caller. The shifters don’t work well together it’s unheard of outside the school they stick to their tribe even though they sit on a council. It’s at the new school that Dez learns to control her shift learning to use her other senses but danger looms not to far away and when they are all put to the test the students risk it all for one of their own.

I've been dying to check out this book since I first saw the cover and I’m not sure why I didn't before this. I've always been a fan of shapeshifters, so of course I was drawn to this story. I like the concept that they are born not made, which isn't super common, plus when they shift it’s smooth like water. The story is filled with intense action from start to finish keeping me on the edge of my seat but with little twists of young love tossed about to create a perfect mix. The characters are easy to connect with Dez is fun to read about as she learns the truth about herself. I really like the idea of Chase and Dez he’s kind of perfect for her, they both are intelligent, strong and each has their own issues. Otherkin has some great supporting characters at the school that are very memorable it’s very reminiscent of a typical high school on a whole new level. The story gives a conclusion but leaves the reader wanting more. I can't wait to see what happens next for Dez and Chase.