A review by corrie
Seven: A Lesbian Snow White by Jennifer Diemer


Seven: A Lesbian Snow White is the first part in a series of well-known fairy tale retellings by Jennifer Diemer (aka S. E. Diemer, aka Elora Bischop, aka Bridget Essex). Yeah, the author leaves a somewhat confusing trail of names but I figured it out in the end ;-)

What’s most important is that I really like the spin she is giving to this fairy tale. You will hardly recognize it and even though there are quite a number of familiar elements - like the apple, the mirror, the step mother, 7 people in a cottage, the huntsman, the body suspended in lifeless animation - they have been transformed into something totally different. Diemer’s prose is dark and foreboding and filled with a sadness that’s ultimately well-suited for the genre. You literally feel the dark forest encroaching on you.

Fans of the fairy tale Snow White should really read this version just to see what Diemer did with it. And if you never cared for the original tale maybe this retelling will make you a believer.

f/f they keep it clean folks, just some kissing

Themes: an apple a day, systematic torture, ghosts, the quest for eternal life, lucky number 7, true love.

4 stars