A review by wyrmbergmalcolm
Freeze Tag by Caroline B. Cooney


So far the Point Horror books I've read have been pretty mediocre. This is the 10th one I've read and was such a refreshing change. No jump scares, no dream sequences that go nowhere. Just a straightforward psychological thriller where a Lannie, girl with a dangerous power, uses it as a threat to have the relationship that she wants.
This was not pleasant to read, Lannie was so disconcerting throughout, and the situation that the other characters found themselves in felt so inescapable, that I needed to finish the book to get out myself out of it. Rarely does a horror story make me feel anything at all. Most horror books I've read have either bored me, or were not able to maintain any level of threat of discomfort for me. Not this time.  What made Lannie's abilities so insidious wasn't just the fact she could freeze people solid, but she was able to project a level of amnesia that made people forget.
Like many endings to horror stories, this one will probably divide opinion, but the way the story is left off and how the characters were behaving at that point was so complex and deep that it even questions the progenitors of evil and villainy.