A review by paula12
She Who Waits by Daniel Polansky


“I leaned back into my chair, folded my arms together and made like I was pondering. ‘I understand. You’re worried about the future.’ ‘Damn right.’ ‘Let me tell you something about the future – it isn’t the present. And in the present, I’m guaranteeing you that there’s nothing that your supplier will do to you tomorrow that I won’t do to you today, now, right this very moment. Might as well postpone getting dead. When you think about it, isn’t that all we’re ever doing?”

This is the third and final book in the Low Town trilogy and it certainly didn't disappoint. This time we're following Warden as uncovers the reason why did a husband butcher his wife and almost his daughter.

While the plot is great I wasn't hooked in the beginning though it was definitely me and not the book itself. After my very short slump, I couldn't stop reading this book and it always is like that with this series. I loved the foreshadowing, it was very subtle and yet still made me uneasy. Overall the mystery was great and the ending was a perfect finale, or as I like to call it, the only that felt natural.

My biggest issue since the beginning was the lack of worldbuilding in general. While, yes, Low Town is done perfectly and in that department, I have no complaints. I see why we do not get more of the world but I'm just a reader who loves that, but aside that Low Town darkness and unsafety really gets under your skin.

And now finally I will talk about my favourite aspect of all of these books and that's the characters with Warden being my favourite (all-time favourite as well). The reality of his greyness and the way he thinks made me connect on such a level I can't even describe, simply I can only say I adore him. Another character thing I love is all the interactions and conversations where even in the most serious one you find humour that lands perfectly. My favourites in this one particularly Warden and the boy (whose name in English I don't know still, Croatian translation is a bummer sometimes.), Warden and Adolphus, Warden and the Old man as well as, weirdly enough, Warden and Crowley. And those are just the stand-outs to me.

The final scene ranks among my favourites of all time and truly made this series worth it. I definitely cried a little. So happy I started the year with this one.