A review by ckmurphy1958
A Small Town by Thomas Perry


I received an ARC of A Small Town. The book was described as a thriller, which I guess it technically was, just not the type of thriller I was expecting. I am a gullible person when reading thrillers, but even I found many parts of this book a little hard to believe. The premise of the book is there is a prison outbreak where the prisoners invade the town and destroy it. Probably anyone who has ever had a prison built near their town probably believes that something like this could happen. The escapees hung around the prison area a little too long to make it believable. Then, after two years, a single person is sent out to hunt down and kill the 12 main planners of the prison break. Once again, this seemed a little to easy, as more than one of the prisoners were residing in their hometown. It's not a bad read, the book goes really fast and doesn't require a lot of thinking or concentration. Although I've never read any other books by this particular author, I'm guessing this was not his best effort.