A review by shannonleighd
Give Up the Ghost by Megan Crewe


The premise of this book was really interesting, but it ended up just being another cliché- and angst-filled young adult novel. I would give it 2 1/2 stars if I could but I decided to round down because it's not quite a 3 star book.

Cass can see and talk to ghosts. Just before she got this ability she had a huge falling out with her best friend. The best friend, the most popular girl in the school, turned the entire student body of not one, but two schools, against Cass. Now that Cass has a few ghost friends at the school that spy on everyone for her, she has all the dirt on everyone. So she's not picked on or bullied anymore and now everyone pretty much ignores her. Then one of the popular boys, Tim, asks for Cass's help in talking to his recently deceased mother. She decides to help him and slowly beings to form a friendship with someone who's actually alive.

The problem I had with this book was that the main idea seemed fresh but the execution, not so much. The fact that Cass only uses the ghosts to be vindictive and further alienate herself from her classmates is both unimaginative and petty. I understand that she's a teenager and that's how they think, but really, she's just being a jerk. Cass gets excited when she finds out that her ex-best friend is being cheated on and you start to agree with everyone else that Cass is a creepy bitch.

So obviously, I had a hard time connecting with Cass. But then again, any time I read a book about a socially awkward teen outcast I have a hard time connecting so that could just be a problem with me. I don't understand the mentality of being bullied and not standing up for yourself. Cass has no friends and no ambition in life and basically her only goal is to make everyone as miserable as she is, and I just can't fathom putting that much energy into something so negative.

Another big thing that really bothered me; why do so many teen books have to end at the prom? It's just so overdone.

I wish this book had centered more around Cass's ability and her ghosts and less about her petty vindictiveness. Thankfully, she did grow up a little toward the end, but if the author writes a sequel I don't think I'll bother with it.