A review by lita_tori
A Beautiful Pint: One Man's Search for the Perfect Pint of Guinness by Ian Ryan

Non-fiction, so left unrated.

A little known fact about me: I love Guinness! I have since my first steps onto Irish soil as a naive, dyed black hair, metal loving girl of 19! So when I saw this book available for request at work, I cheered!

If you know a Guinness lover, this is the perfect gift!

But if you do plan to give it as a gift, please include a beautiful pint of plain in there because this book makes you thirsty!

I began reading this from The Gravity bar at the top of the Guinness Storehouse, and within its small pocket size (and easily transportable) pages I found a perfect companion, a brief but well detailed and humourous run through the history of Guinness, even with the inclusion of more recent developments of the Nitrosurge (I've recently gotten one and have to say its an ingenious creation to bring the perfect pint of Guinness to your own kitchen!)

Also, contained is the recipe for that sometimes elusive (and must sought after) beautiful pint and an extensive list of pubs worldwide recommended by the author.

But remember...

"The beauty of the pint lies in where you enjoy it and the people you enjoy it with."
