A review by ciska
Prime Time by Liza Marklund, Ingrid Eng-Rundlow


Midsummernight is coming. In a hotel 13 people are just wrapping up a television production. Somewhere that night the big star of the production gets murdered. A news reporter is pulled out of her midsummernight holiday to go to the hotel and get the news covered. Due to the fact that most people in the hotel are connected to the media the newsreporter, Annika, knows most of them and one of the suspects is her best friend. [return]At the same time Annika's boss is in a powerstruggle with his boss and she helps him out finding some incriminating information on the big boss.[return][return]The story is missing space. I had to read back at some points to find out who the persona was mentioned in the part that I was reading. Some parts are written very well the arrival at the murderscene is written with a lot of detail and tickles the imagination but other parts are very short and there I loose interest.[return][return]I am not sure if it is my copy but the book does not have enough space. I do not read a book in one go and I like to put it down when I finish an paragraph or a chapter. The chapters where long and there where hardly paragraphs. This gave me the feeling I had to put the book down being in the middle of a subject.[return]The character settings where decent. [return]Overal it was not a bad read, but I am not sure if I would choose another book by the same author