A review by vintageclaire_
Sick Fux by Tillie Cole


This book was incredibly different from anything else I’ve ever read. AND SO SO SO F*CKED UP.

I loved how this book took a very dark spin on Alice in wonderland.

I also found it extremely interesting how Ellis/Dolly’s mental illness was portrayed.

I thought that this book was very well written but at this same time this was one of, if not the darkest book that I’ve ever read. A majority of this book was so incredibly graphic that I had to take some pretty long breaks from it. I’ve read a handful of other dark romances (haunting and haunting Adeline, and the lords series by shantel tessier, ect.) but this book was a lot. When I say check the triggers CHECK THEM. I went into this book pretty blindly so I really didn’t know what to expect.

With all of that said I loved this book. I don’t think I’m ever going to forget it. I think I’ll be thinking about this book for a very long time. I was immediately drawn into this story and these characters. I loved Alice in wonderland growing up. Since getting into reading I’ve loved dark romance. Having both of those into one was chefs kiss.

This is definitely going down as one of my favorite dark romances ever. It did take me longer to get through this book because of how graphic it is but if you can handle reading about disturbing things (and enjoy it I should say) then I’d highly recommend it.