A review by the_sentimentality_of_books
The Woman Who Rides Like a Man by Tamora Pierce


In The Women Who Rides Like a Man, Alanna and Coram journey to the Great Southern Desert of Tortall.
Despite her wish to go adventuring and to be unburdened, circumstances tie her down to a tribe for a time.
Romance, sorcery, and combat all catch up with her, even in the remoteness of the desert.
She is, after all, chosen by the gods.

That being said, Alanna has a bit of an issue with that: she loves to save and stir things up.
That is one of her character flaws (she needs to learn to accept she can't do ABSOLUTELY everything ever), but also a flaw in the book: it makes her rush in and change a culture with little understanding of it. In turn, the readers don't learn about diversity in culture.
In my view, she (like Pierce at this pre-diverse stage) has a lot of learning and living to do.