A review by rabbitjaguar
The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett


I'll give it the benefit of the doubt because I've been told it's not a very good place to start in the Discworld series, and I went ahead and started here anyway. I almost wanted to give it two stars because according to Goodreads, two stars means "it was okay," and the book was okay. But at the end of the day, I did enjoy reading it, so three stars it is.

The plot is sporadic and disjointed. There's a lot going on, but none of it really connects into any meaningful overarching story other than "rich tourist and failed wizard getting into trouble and the gods of death and fate trying unsuccessfully to snuff them out."

There were a few funny moments, some good one-liners, but overall the whimsy is not (yet) enough to make up for the insubstantial story.