A review by sci_mom
Damaged by Lisa Scottoline


I'm torn on this one. On the one hand, it was an entertaining read, but on the other, it seemed too...simple...for want of a better word. I had a hard time swallowing Mary's overwhelming urge to become the guardian of a boy she met two days before and, no matter how hard LS tried to sell it (the bit with Anthony at the end was a last ditch effort), it never did quite ring true for me. Add in the HUGE decisions Mary and Anthony were making, without even a 'by your leave' from each other, and it combines in the reader being required to make some major leaps of faith (and logic) to make the story work (the author did use the characters to try and make it all seem plausible, but it felt too 'explainy' and not natural, to me). Overall, I was entertained and the legal issues and facts about children with special needs were interesting, so I kept it at 3 stars.