A review by shandyt
The Name of All Things by Jenn Lyons


3.5 stars.

Whereas Kihrin was the main character of Book 1, he takes a back seat in this volume to Janel, a character who was only briefly introduced in the first book. Janel is a strong character in her own right, competent and intelligent, but she's missing that spark of irreverence and snark and "why me?" that makes Kihrin so compelling. The structure of the story is definitely an improvement, though the middle third (which is really more like a "middle half") drags on for too long. The end sneaks up on you by comparison. After a lot of slow nothing, everything happens all at once; some of it is clever and well thought-out, some of it less so. There are a few satisfying plot twists, but others fall flat. The climax is a bit abrupt and implausible. Yet like the previous book, the ending is so shocking and cliffhanger-y that I must know more! Book 3 will definitely be on my to-read list.

SpoilerOh, and Kihrin still didn't sleep with Teraeth. Come ON, kid, just DO IT.