A review by a_littledragon
The Genesis of Misery by Neon Yang

Did not finish book. Stopped at 14%.
To be completely honest about when I stopped reading this book, I remember it was sometime last year during the fall semester at my university. I cannot be sure the exact date I stopped reading it.

I was originally excited to read this book, I discovered it through the booktok community on TikTok as “The Locked Tomb meets Pacific Rim in a Joan of Arc retelling” I believe. The Locked Tomb is one of my favorite series ever, so my interest was peaked when it was used to describe this book. 

However, I felt that it was a struggle to get through. I know that there’s usually a lot of world building in the beginning of any sci-fi book, and part of my problem may have been I just needed to push past the 100-200 page limit to really get into it and understand it. But I felt I was just forcing myself to get through a book I was having a hard time getting through. 

I was all for a strong female main character, a unique magic system, and queer representation. But I feel someone else can enjoy this more, I’ll be donating this book to a free little library in my neighborhood with a sticky note of content warnings they need to be aware of before they decide to read this book.

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