A review by dustherondale
My Story by Marilyn Monroe


"People had a habit of looking at me as if I were some kind of a mirror instead of a person. They didn’t see me, they saw their own lewd thoughts. Then they white-masked themselves by calling me the lewd one."

if you know me you know i love marilyn, not because of what she represents but because of who she was, an intelligent, hard-working, talented woman. This is a book i would like everyone to read because the world has done and continues to do her dirty, reading about her experiences and how she was treated and how much she fought to be recognized for her talents and not for her image breaks my heart, because even tho she never pretended to be anything less of a smart woman people refused and even to this day refuse to see her, truly see her.
“You can make a fortune just standing still or moving in front of the cameras and doing almost no acting whatsoever,” Michael said.
“I don’t want that,” I said.
“Why not?” he asked me gently.
“Because I want to be an artist,” I answered, “not an erotic freak. I don’t want to be sold to the public as a celluloid aphrodisical. Look at me and start shaking. It was all right for the first few years. But now it’s different.”
"In Hollywood a girl’s virtue is much less important than her hair-do. You’re judged by how you look, not by what you are. Hollywood’s a place where they’ll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss, and fifty cents for your soul. I know, because I turned down the first offer often enough and held out for the fifty cents."

the world owes her the biggest apology, call her an icon, a sex symbol, but dont forget to add 'talented actress' 'brilliant woman' 'golden globe winner' 'kind hearted' 'hardworker'.

whenever you are, i love you marilyn and i also love norma jeane, know that you are seen, you will always be seen by me.