A review by swirlnswing
Shadow by Amanda Sun


Fact: I came across this series because I grabbed book 2 (RAIN) from my local library without realizing it was part of a series (Dear Self: You fail!). However, that realization got me here, and I'm pretty damn glad it did.

Super quick, non-spoilery thoughts: First, I love that the supernatural aspects of this read aren't taken feather-lightly. It's actually vaguely terrifying, both for Tomohiro and Katie, and I like that Katie's not some love-lorn, sappy American girl when her relocation to Japan happens. As for Tomohiro, I like that he's the one with something of a tortured story, and I like how he's (thus far) responded to his lot in life. Other than that, I'm really impressed that, although the ideas here are not yet fully formed or explained, I have been able to glean enough from just this prequel that it all seems to be falling together nicely. Lastly: Anything inspired by Japan in modern literature makes me happy. This is not an exception.

Super excited that a lovely bit of serendipity led me to this series. Book #1, INK, is on its way to my local library branch, and I'm planning to jump right in.

Now why do I feel like I'll be overthinking my planned tattoo once I get through the series...
