A review by lattelibrarian
Atlas of Monsters and Ghosts by Lonely Planet Kids


I'm not too sure how I feel about this one.  I liked it, that's for sure.  I liked the design, the fact that it's so big, the fact that it has sections broken down by continents.  I loved the color and the illustrations.  But there were some things that didn't quite sit with me, and it concerns me that some of the things that I remarked were a little outlandish, and how outlandish other entries might be...

For example, the ghosts of the Salem Witches.  I live in Boston and have spent many a day trip in Salem.  I've visited countless witch museums, tours, and artifacts.  And none of them have mentioned witch ghosts, and I felt like the small entry really downplayed the fact that it was femicide.  So if that was incorrect, what else in here was incorrect?  And I know that this is for children and they might be playing it up a little bit, but when there are so many things that go bump in the night--like the Winchester House, for example, which really is crawling with ghosts, I see no reason to get the facts wrong on these witches.  

It also felt strange that some monsters and ghosts had a "How to Beat It" section, and many others didn't.  Certainly there must be a Wikipedia article out there that shows you how to "beat" these monsters and their like.  Especially when this isn't my first Monsters/Ghosts atlas rodeo which have a little more detail to them.  (Also, as a side note, the inclusion of Tokyo Ghoul in an entry felt a little weird to me?)  Being as big as this book was (maybe a foot tall), I was a little surprised by the amount of white space there was, that could have been filled by either more illustrations or more information.

Overall, I did enjoy it, though I wonder about the veracity of some entries.  Beyond the fact, obviously, that these ghosts and monsters aren't necessarily real.  

Review cross-listed here!