A review by jen286
Where We Left Off by Roan Parrish


Well, I guess no one can be perfect. I knew it was bound to happen at some point that I would read a book by this author that I didn't absolutely love. And this was it. Not that I didn't enjoy it, just that I wasn't head over heels about it by the end. And definitely not as much as the other books in this series.

Now why didn't I love this book as much? Will. I didn't like Will. I hated how he treated Leo like dirt. I know Will doesn't always mean to do that, he is not very good with emotions, but still. I wish we would have gotten some chapters from his point of view as that would have helped me connect with him more. As it was by the end I don't know how Leo put up with him for as long as he did. And even at the end Will is not great. Leo still has to pull everything out of him and I wanted more for Leo. I loved Leo and my heart hurt so much for him. I felt so bad for him and everything he goes through with Will and I didn't get that oh everything is wonderful sunshine and roses ending that I wanted. For Leo it is as he is happy, but it is still difficult. More difficult than I would deal with so...I get Will. I understand where he is coming from and why he is the way he is, especially once you learn more about him, but that doesn't excuse how poorly he treats Leo. At least not for me.

Now Leo was so cute. He loves Will and is not willing to give up on him even when it hurts. He can't get Will out of his mind even if he tries. There is something there, and yes Leo is a lot younger than Will but that doesn't matter to him. Leo is a romantic and I loved reading him. I wanted nothing but the best for him and at least he was happy-ish by the end. I know things will probably get better and better the more they figure things out, but my heart still hurts for him. A good read, the author writes wonderful stories, for me it just wasn't as amazing as the other ones.