A review by courtneyevason1910
The Girls from Alexandria by Carol Cooper


The Girls from Alexandria follows Nadia who is currently stuck in a hospital bed in London, desperately trying to find her sister who was last seen 50 years ago in Egypt. I was in two minds about how to review this book - I loved the chapters that focused on the sisters early life in Egypt. However, I found the present day extracts where Nadia is within the hospital detached and repetitive. I feel like this could of been done purposefully, to try and highlight how lost and alone she is feeling but it did get repetitive after a while!

Although the timeline jumped all over the place, I still found the story easy to follow and enjoyed the break up of present day as I find this part of the story quite slow. I feel like this would be a perfect read for someone who enjoys historical fiction as there was a lot of in-depth knowledge about both Alexandria and Egypt!

There are elements of the book which were very moving and heartfelt. This gave the story a lot of depth and I enjoyed reading about Nadia recollecting her memories and making sense of them - I did quite like Nadia’s character so it was nice to see that there was truth within her jumbled up thoughts. I wasn’t convinced of her sisters existence at first but as the book unfolded, it was great to see Nadia prove the doctors and people who were meant to be caring for her wrong.

Thank you to Netgalley and Agora books for the chance to read this for an honest review! I really enjoyed the historical nature of the book and the book kept me intrigued as I was interested in how the story was going to go - for that reason, I give this book 4 out of five stars.