A review by jacklesmo
Reborn in Flames by M. Sinclair


Wow. I absolutely LOVE Maya. I mean, this main character is SO much more different that the badass women that Ms. Sinclair typically writes. Though she is nothing like M. Sinclair’s typical MCs, Maya is still very much a badass in her own way. She is a freaking SURVIVOR of 18 years worth of abuse and she’s not letting it get to her. This poor girl has been completely shut off from the world and locked in a basement for as much of her life as she can remember and following her father’s death, she begins to experience the real world. What has me in complete awe of Maya is her curiosity. She acts nothing like you’d expect someone who has never been around more than 3 people her entire life to act. Maya isn’t afraid of the outside world, she wants to experience it. And let me tell you, being there in her childlike (innocent and naive) mind is awesome. She has the filter of a 5 year old and it really is hilarious at times, while also making you stop and think wow, I wish more people could view things like she does.

Then there’s Maya’s men. This lucky ducky has found herself 6 dragon mates and they are completely thrown for a loop with Maya. I cannot wait to start seeing more of their true nature, because I feel like everyone has just flipped a switch and turned into teddy bears since Maya came into their life. She just has that way about her, everything she touches becomes.. sweet..

By the end of the book we’ve been with Maya for 1 week and already she has grown so much. I Cannot wait to see How she continues to grow throughout this series. Bring on book 2!!
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