A review by gandalf
Bloodmarked by Tracy Deonn


Every time something happens in this book, a character will say/think "Oh that's why you did this thing, because you felt x and thought y." If someone does something bad someone else (or the narration) will say, "this was a bad thing to do, and not good." The therapyspeak is incessant! The worldbuilding is convoluted and overstuffed, just like the first book. There's really no good reason for Arthurian legend to even be involved. The only connection is the names. 

I also really, really dislike the way the author used real-world atrocities to lend credence to her paper thin worldbuilding. It's disrespectful at best. 

The writing itself is also ...well, it's bad, and not good. Bad syntax abounds. People "speed" instead of running/jogging/whatever, giving the delightful mental image that they're zipping around on those stupid hoverboard things. They also "hum" a lot in dialogue, eg: Selwyn said "Blah blah blah." He hummed. What?? At one point someone also "temples" their fingers (should be "steeples"). 

The main character is bland and generic. Everyone else in this book exists solely to drop information to the protagonist. Which was also the case for the first book, so you'd think they'd have dropped all the information they had by book 2. But no! We were still getting introduced to new Proper nouns 525 pages into Bloodmarked. HELPPPP

I gave it two stars for comedy value, though.